The Central Acclimitsation Society is a volunteer run organization, which was setup in 1939, with the support of The NSW Rod Fishers’ Society, to acclimatise trout to NSW waters. The society imported trout ova from Montana and started a hatchery on Bindo Creek.
The CAS has evolved over the years and is now made up of a number of branches and fishing clubs. In recent years the organisation has focused more on sustainable fishing and improving native fish stocks, while continuing to promote trout stocking in appropriate waterways.
Today NSW Fisheries (DPI) runs a number of hatcheries from which the CAS receives fish for release into our rivers. CAS branches release native fish species and trout into rivers across the region under the guidance of the DPI. The Branches are also heavily involved in other aspects of recreational fisheries including habitat restoration projects, education, research, and maintaining public access to fishable waterays.
Members actively raises funds to buy fish for release under the dollar for dollar native fish stocking program. If you would like to be involved in the stocking of fish into our waterways join today, membership is only $2.10!
Membership Enquiries
Don Barton
Email: centralacclimatisation@gmail.com
Phone: 0417 298 731
The CAS utilises local sub branches to carry out its great work.
The Branches are: